In a credit card, a certain amount of credit will be momentarily authorized by the credit card issuer to be used in a certain purchase. This is usually practiced when the money has not been paid by the merchant to the cardholder. The hold restricts the cardholder from using the authorized amount to make any other purchases until the transaction has been well executed or canceled.

Reasons You Might Place a Hold on Your Credit Card

  1. Suspected fraud activity: Sometimes, the credit card company will shut off the account temporarily until such a time when further investigation can be done.
  2. Account Review: A credit card company may place an account on hold for review, whatever the reason is.
  3. Late or Delinquent Payments: If a cardholder is making late payments on his credit card, an account hold may be granted until such a time as the account is brought current.

How Long Do Holds Last on Credit Cards?

Essentially, holding cards longer than one should is never recommended. The merchant must have his authorization at any one time. It is helpful to understand the maximum possible time an authorization can be held both to prevent misuse charges and also to advise your customer.

How Do I Put a Hold on My Credit Cards?

Choose “Authorization Only”, for the total amount of the transaction to use the authorization holding. If your business is a big one, you may wish to make “Authorization Only”, your default transaction type.

You can ask your card issuer if you are wondering what is a hold on a credit card If you have any questions like what is a credit card hold, let your card issuer know.

Why do Merchants Use Credit Card Authorization Holds?

Pre-authorization holds are used by a lot of companies to guarantee that their customers do possess money on their cards. The merchant uses holds as a way of preventing fraud and chargebacks that might otherwise be directed onto them. Given that holds are placed in circumstances where the final amount payable is unknown, they shield those businesses from probable losses by ensuring that they do have the needed money.

This post was written by a professional by Exzact Business Solutions. TRANSPARENT | AFFORDABLE | SIMPLE Merchant Services, Websites, and Social Media Done Right. Exzact Business Solutions are on a mission to educate local businesses to ensure smiles, savings, and solutions. Exzact clients save an average of 30% on their processing alone. No Contracts, Free Equipment, Local Support, No Rate Increases, and More. Exzact Business Solutions’ goal is to educate the local business community in order to ensure smiles, savings, and solutions. Exzact Business Solutions is an Independent Sales Organization with strategic partnerships dedicated to cultivating reliable and trustworthy relationships in the Payment Card Industry, allowing us to tailor products and services to the needs of each merchant. Contact EBS and see what a difference having the right advocate can make! Click here to learn more!